Cuenca Tours
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Large stone cathedral in Cuenca, Ecuador
Large stone cathedral in Cuenca, Ecuador

Experts in Tailor-Made

Cuenca Tours

Cuenca is the capital of the Azuay Province in southern Ecuador. Besides being a beautiful city with colonial architecture, Cuenca has an active ex-pat community and is a major seller of Panama hats. Cuenca is also known for its large number of well-preserved historical sights. When Ecuador achieved independence, Cuenca became the capital of one of three provinces that made up the nascent republic. On a tour of Cuenca, stroll along its cobblestone streets, visit its historical churches buildings and colonial-era mansions. Nearby Cuenca is the El Cajas National Park and the Ingapirca ruins. We recommending including these sites on any Cuenca tour. In the Cajas National Park, you can go hiking and birdwatching, or mountain biking. At the Ingapirca ruins, you can view the largest site of Inca ruins in Ecuador. While visiting Cuenca, customize your Ecuador tour to include a stop in the Galapagos Islands or a visit to the one-of-a-kind Cloud Forest.

Update: Ecuador Covid-19 Travel – Ecuador is open for travel again!
Ecuador has reopened to tourists and we’re delighted to be planning trips again.

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Entry requirements:
No vaccination requirement for covid
See full details at IATA Travel Centre
International flights have resumed, including from the UA, Canada and Europe.
Domestic flights are operating
Updated Mar 22, 2024

Elsewhere in South America

(Click below for more info)
Open without quarantine? Covid-19 test required before travel?
Antarctica See entry country details (Argentina or Chile)
Argentina YES No
Bolivia YES No
Brazil YES No
Chile YES No
Colombia YES No
Ecuador & Galapagos YES No
French Guiana YES
Guyana YES No
Paraguay YES No
Peru & Machu Picchu YES No
Suriname YES
Uruguay YES
Venezuela YES
Updated May 12, 2023
See IATA Travel Centre for more detail

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5 Best Cuenca Tours for 2024

Tour Name Price Duration Description
Quito & Devil's Nose Train Ecuador Tour from $ 9 Days This Quito-to-Cuenca Ecuador tour is chock-full of highlights to see in Ecuador's fascinating mainland. Ride the Chaski Antawa and the Devil's Nose...
The Heart of the Andes from $ 8 Days Travel along the Avenue of the Volcanoes, also known as the backbone of Ecuador. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a long strip of volcanoes and Andes...

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