Incan Empire Tours & Ruins
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Adventure Tours

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins

5 min read

Apr 5, 2018


By Conrad McGarvey

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Last updated on March 24th, 2021 at 10:14 am

Incan Empire Tours & Incan Empire Ruins

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins Vacation packages are the quintessential tour to Peru. With tour stops at Machu Picchu, and with a Cusco City Tour, Lima City Tour, Peru Rail Train Ride, and more, an Inca Ruins Vacation is exactly what you imagine when you picture your dream Tour of Peru.

What are the Inca Ruins?

Over 500 years ago, the Inca people built a civilization in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Located in Southern Peru but with boundaries extending into neighboring Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador, the Inca Ruins are; the remaining houses, stores, roads, farmhouses, hillsides, geoglyphs, and stone fortresses that remain today.

These ruins contribute to making up the world-famous Inca Trail. Also of course one of the Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu.

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins
Machu Picchu is the most famous of the Inca Ruins.

Where are the Inca Ruins in Peru?

The Inca Ruins of Peru are located in the Andes Mountains. The Inca Ruins are close to Ollantaytambo, Cusco, & Machu Picchu and are an easy tour stop on any Inca Ruins Vacation.

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins: inca-ruins-vacation-trail
This is an average scene along the Inca Trail Trek. The trail takes you along the Inca Ruins ancient roads and streets through the Andes Mountains of Peru.

Ok, I want to take an Inca Ruins Vacation!

That is the best news! We at,, are the leading Peru Tour Operators in the world! That means we know about the Incan Empire & Ruins better than anyone else. We specialize in fully-custom Incan Empire Tours & Ruins

Here are a few sample routes, maps, and itineraries. Remember, all these routes are fully-customizable and can be tailor-made to your specifications. No matter if you are looking for a luxury Inca vacation or adventure tour to Inca Ruins, we have you covered.

Inca Empire Tour #1: The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Tour

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins: Machu-Picchu-Inca-Trail-Tour
Here is a map of our first Inca Ruins Vacation, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Peru Tour.

This 4-day / 3-night tour features a Cusco City Tour, Pacaymayo day tours for trekking and hiking, a visit to Machu Picchu, Wayllabamba hiking and trekking, & Winaywayna ruins sightseeing.

All of these destinations feature the best Inca Ruins you can see in Peru. Dates are flexible and the price for tours varies because everything we do is custom. Visit our site and call us today to learn more!

Incan Empire Tour & Ruins #2: Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins: inca-ruins-vacation-salkantay
This is a typical scene you will see on the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu.

This 5-day / 4-night tour of Inca Ruins takes you along the 88-km long Salkantay Trek through the breathtaking Andes Mountains. This tour ends at the world-famous Machu Picchu.

There you will take a day Tour of Machu Picchu, before returning for a Cusco City Tour. This Inca Ruins Vacation requires a lot of physical activity and so it is best for adventure tourists and thrill-seekers.

While it is not particularly difficult hiking, there are long days of trekking to Sayllapata, Soyrococha, Humantay, & Huayanay. This is one of the best Inca Ruins vacations you can take in Peru.

Incan Empire Tour & Ruins # 3: The Essence of Peru Tour

Incan Empire Tours & Ruins: inca-ruins-vacation-essence-peru
The Essence of Peru Tour Map featuring all the stops in the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Colca Canyon, Puno, Arequipa, Nazca Lines, Paracas, Ballestas Islands, and Lima.

This 15-day / 14-night tour takes you to see all the Highlights of Peru Tour: Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Colca Canyon, Nazca Lines, Arequipa & Lima. Explore Historic Lima, the Ballestas Isles (the ‘Galapagos of Peru’), Nazca Lines, the white city of Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, mystic Cuzco, the Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu:

This is THE classic highlights of southern Peru. Winding up the Andes, this gradual climb allows for easier adaption to the altitude, with each day’s highlights exceeding the last’s.  Embark on a two-week journey to the Land of the Incas, where the remnants of their magnificent civilization continue to capture the imagination.

Starting in the City of Kings, Lima, you’ll learn about the history of the Spanish conquistadors, as well as all the history of the Inca Ruins you could ever wish to know. Journey into the heart of Peru, visiting the Nazca Lines, the beautiful bay of Paracas, Lake Titicaca, and the city in the sky, Machu Picchu.


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Last updated on March 24th, 2021 at 10:14 am

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