Capital Markets Day

Boliden hosted its Capital Markets Day in Stockholm on March 16, 2016, followed by a visit to the zinc smelter Odda in Norway on March 17, 2016. The  aim was to provide investors, analysts and financial media with an update on our strategy, with an in-depth review of Business Area Mines and Business Area Smelters.


Press release




Delivering strong and stable performance, Lennart Evrell, President and CEO

Increasing value from our mines, Mikael Staffas, President Boliden Mines

Continuing to deliver operational improvements in smelters, Kerstin Konradsson, President Boliden Smelters

Healthy financials support strategic development and shareholder return, Mikael Staffas, CFO

Concluding remarks, Lennart Evrell, President and CEO

Boliden Odda - Improving competitiveness and expanding to 200 kton, Dag Berg, General Manager